Boone County Council on Aging - Keen Age Center

If you are an older adult in Boone County, then we are here for you.  Boone County Council on Aging provides skillful information & assistance, loving in-home care, convenient public transportation, generous sharing of mobility equipment and more.  Our offices are inside the beautiful and accessible Keen Age Center, which is a vibrant, action-packed combination of fitness and well-being programs, volunteer opportunities, transportation hub, and meal locale.  Please stop in to say "Hi" or contact us to learn more.

3rd Annual
Jack Wolf

Memorial Golf Outing
May 17, 2024
Noon Tee Time
Registration Opens at 11am
Box Lunch Included

Gift Bags include Drink & Meal Tickets, Snacks, and More!

Call Steve at 779-552-7246 to register!

Presented by:

Hosted by:

Funds supporting:

Boone County Council on Aging
at The Keen Age Center
All proceeds support the important work of Boone County Council on Aging.

Are you an unpaid caregiver for a loved one and live in the Northwestern Illinois area?  You are not alone. There is assistance. Click HERE to answer 10 questions, and someone from our office will follow up with you.

You can help us by purchasing items listed on our Amazon wish list! They will be shipped straight to us and support our Keen Age Center programs.



FREE to Older Adults
We receive outside funding so we can provide programs and services at low or no cost to the older adults of Boone County.  We raise funds through federal, state, and municipal grants, foundation grants, corporate and individual donations, fundraising events, and more.  This means you can receive free information and assistance with government forms and complicated programs, free in-home care if you qualify, free use of mobility equipment, and of course free membership in our Keen Age Center.

Have you been treated differently because of your age? That is called "ageism" and it is not ok. It is prejudice or discrimination solely on the grounds of chronological age. It can make aging a negative experience, which can become personal and unhealthy. Those who feel negative about growing old tend to have more health problems and die younger than those with more positive attitudes. Ironically, it is the only form of prejudice we will all experience if we live long enough. Boone County Council on Aging stands with you in the fight against ageism. We believe in your value as a human being. We believe growing older is an opportunity to thrive, have a purpose, and make a positive impact on our community. We believe many aspects of life are too complicated and subtle to learn quickly, and that all older adults have learned and earned our reverence.

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